The Authentic Faith + Living Blog. Joy is the lovestyle. Serenity is the agenda!

About Us

Hello there!

Welcome to Daisy Change!

We are so glad you are here right now!

Fancy a cup of tea?

This is England after all.

 (although our main author is actually Welsh, but we don't hold that against her haha) 

Before we get started with the warmest welcome you can fathom, we first wanna let you know we respect your time, so if you rather just click directly into getting all that good stuff in our savvy art guides please click here. 

If you are still here, thank you.

 You rock! 

But you already know that don't you?

 It's cool if you don't by the time we're done with you, you will. 

That's enough about you for a moment though, this site is literally dedicated to helping you be the best you, you can be so that your art can be even more awesome,

If you can just give us a few minutes of your precious time, we will let you know who we are and what the doodles you can expect to see from us.

 Again, if you feel satisfied you got a clear idea of what to expect, or you rather just be surprised, click here to jump into the blog directly.

We will see you on the other side!

Wow you're still here? 

Congratulations, you my friend are the kind of person we want to connect with the most! 

Maybe we can be friends!??

That's our goal here, we want a friendship focused community that is all about that joy life! 

Your the kind of person that wants to grow as an artist,
 you're a thoughtful soul and you are not afraid of doing the work to become the change you want to see in the world. 

You are a unique person and you don't really care what people think,
 or at least you're working to not care so much. 

No matter what life throws at you, rising above it has become almost like an art to you. 
You're definitely all about that joy life and you don't mind standing out
but only for inspirational reasons

Your life is built on integrity, and like us you believe age is just a 
number and you strive to find the fun in your life, and your work. 

In short, you my friend, are an absolute legend!

Round of applause for how awesome you are!

Yay you!!

If you want to know more about us , please (sit tight we are working on this page and will have it live by April 20th 2019)click here but let me just now give the skinny

This site is built on 4 main pillars 


In other words J.I.V.E 

This is a nod to the vintage element of this site, we love vintage toy collecting
 (we have a multiple boards over on Pinterest dedicated to this)

Also, vintage art comes from a time when old fashioned family values were all the rage.

Simple times, with simple morals.

We love this. 

You will find we also love the anagrams around here J.O.Y is one too, 

The only other thing you absolutely need to know about us is that we don't do generic. 

We are #uniquenotuniform.

Here's 3 things you won't see from us and what we do instead. 

1. You won't see sales pitches to products we either haven't tried, or don't believe in. On rare occasion we believe in a brand, and gush about wanting to try their products, but for the most part if we haven't tried it ourselves, we won't really comment. 

2. We don't do email lists, we do contact lists instead. 
This is because everything built on the Internet is built on sand, sites can change 
and even an email account can be taken out by hackers, so instead we offer you
the option to tell us where you want us to let you know we have moved 
if this site ever needs to shift to another platform.
(Our sign up page is under construction until April 15th 2019)

We built change into the business.

We care about people not numbers so if you want to never loose contact with us, shoot us an email or reach out on social media and let us know you want to be added to our contact list,
and where you want us to contact should we ever need to move our content.

We do our best to keep our site secure as possible but it's happened before, so trust us, it's a good idea.

Again here's where you can reach out to get on our contact list.
(page underconstruction)

3. You won't see beige blogging from us. 
Intrigued? Click here to find out more. (coming May 2019)

Okay, that's about it now here's a couple of posts to dip your toe into zi site. 
Final note, we take requests. We like testimonies (hint hint ;))

If you made it this far, please can you do us a teeny tiny favour and tag us in one of your posts on Instagram or twitter and add #imuniquenotuniform to let us know you made it this far.

We will be sure to show you some love on your chosen platform

See you inside the site guys! 

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