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Sort It Out September - Authentic Faith: Living With A Vexed Soul

Last post, I told you that I am a Christian Universalist.  My definition of this is believing that any path can lead to Jesus but the only way to the Father is through the Son. That said, I need to build from here.  I have to be delicate this post, as I know that people around the world a…

Sort It Out September - Authentic Faith: Why I am a Christian Universalist.

For lack of a better way of putting it, coming out as any denomination other than Christian progressive's, is met with ridicule on all sides these days.  I attend a denominational Church, but I am in fact a Christian Universalist. I'm about to explain it.  It used to be we could …

Introducing Sort It Out September.

Hey guys and girls. I know its been like a year since I have written anything here (though I have been very active on social media) it's been a long time since you have heard from me.  Last year, as you likely know, I was in the mode of writing poetry more so than articles.  I believe…

Letters To Life - Canceling Shocktober because Cap Still Rocks.

Dear life, It's been a while since I have written to you, but honestly you have been teaching me so many lessons in recent years, I thought it was about time I write to you. So then, let's skip the small talk and get straight down to it.  Emotions don't get to speak w…

Authentic Faith - Shocktober It is then.. (Quick Update)

Hey guys, I've given this a lot of thought and I know I said in my last post I would likely be back here regularly in September, but to be completely honest I've been working on a top secret month long project and I feel like my focus really should be on that project.  I've ne…

Authentic Faith: Back From The Dead But Not Back Yet...(Taking A Break for Summer To Rebrand)

Hey guys, its been a hot minute since I've even been myself in person, let alone online! 😒 I know that isn't really something one is suppose to admit but alas turns out I really don't care about how I am perceived. 😎 I am what I am, but always in Gods plan.  Anyway, I don…

How I Nearly Became A Me Too Blogger (and why I'm not)

Dear "socially acceptable blogging etiquette" This isn't working I think we need to break up. I know you have a lot to offer with your sponsorship's and other opportunities be they financial or otherwise,  but the thing of  it is,  being with you has caused me to lose my…