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Move From Law To Grace

To be completely honest,  there was a time when I would beat myself up if I couldn't get my posts out on time to the best of my ability. I would second guess elements of my post over and over until eventually, a lot of my work wound up in the bin and never got posted. In reality, it…

25 Things ( The Temple Living Addition)

Dear Readers, I've not long just had my 26th Birthday so I thought today I would do the popular 25 things while I was 25 tag thing , I've seen this floating around both on blogs and YouTube so here's my take on it, including things learned about simple temple living relating t…

Letters To Life 8 - Let's Talk About The Simple Life.

Okay life, I must have been walking around with a massive blind-spot since starting this site. You know I always reserve the right to grow and change, I think that you become the best version of yourself by learning from others success and failure and your own, and Daisy Change has always…

Letters To Life 6 - Run Devil Run!

Dear life, wow what a roller-coaster the past few years have been. I've tried so many doors, failed and bounced back so many times, I could probably give Tigger a run for his money! I've learned so much in that time, you taught me some tough lessons, but I'm finally standing i…

Letters To Life 4 - Finding Me in You.

Dear Life, You taught me last year that sometimes there is more freedom in silence than words . You and i have many secrets and I think I'm finally okay with that. I used to find it hard to keep things to myself because I craved Peoples approval, these days though ,I am more than hap…

Roar Faith!

So I guess you can thank my lovely boyfriend for the fact this blog still exists. At this point in my life uncertainty is my best friend  and I am so terrified of the future ( although also excited) and I basically feel like such a hypocrite given the amount of articles I've written …

London It Is Then...

Have you ever had one of those days where you had everything planned and then God comes along and is like "nope, got something else in mind" and your left with a strange sense of inner peace, but with a tint of nerves like you just somehow know things are about to change?? I'…