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Why I'm taking a break from blogging.

This post is so rough it's written on my tablet.  I'm going to keep it short.  Blogging is not what it used to be.  It used to be a very casual but mildly still professional space but alas post pandemic the world has changed.  You need to run a blog as a business these days not li…

A Quick Update

I have got to level with you guys, if I write the post I originally had planned, I'm scared to death of loosing this blog over it. You may have noticed a distinct lack of freedom of speech creeping in on certain platforms Which really does leave me with a choice to make. This isn'…

Wrapping Up Sort It Out September.

Hey guys,  Writing today feels really heavy, because the poem I shared last post felt very vulnerable.  I hate writing heavy. Yet, ironically, when I push past that feeling, I often find some of my best work comes out. I'm getting into the habit of bringing out content on this blog o…

Sort It Out September - Authentic Faith: Living With A Vexed Soul

Last post, I told you that I am a Christian Universalist.  My definition of this is believing that any path can lead to Jesus but the only way to the Father is through the Son. That said, I need to build from here.  I have to be delicate this post, as I know that people around the world a…

Sort It Out September - Authentic Faith: Why I am a Christian Universalist.

For lack of a better way of putting it, coming out as any denomination other than Christian progressive's, is met with ridicule on all sides these days.  I attend a denominational Church, but I am in fact a Christian Universalist. I'm about to explain it.  It used to be we could …

Introducing Sort It Out September.

Hey guys and girls. I know its been like a year since I have written anything here (though I have been very active on social media) it's been a long time since you have heard from me.  Last year, as you likely know, I was in the mode of writing poetry more so than articles.  I believe…

Letters To Life - Canceling Shocktober because Cap Still Rocks.

Dear life, It's been a while since I have written to you, but honestly you have been teaching me so many lessons in recent years, I thought it was about time I write to you. So then, let's skip the small talk and get straight down to it.  Emotions don't get to speak w…